Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » FESTA NAZZARENU 2009 » 18 OCT 09 - FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING - PROCESSION

C3 In Triq Mannar
C4 In Triq Mannar
C5 Bishop under the canopy
C6 Bishop and the Blessed Sacrament
C7 In Triq Mannar
C8 Procession in Triq Mannar
C9 Procession in Triq Mannar
D1 Decoration in front of private dwelling
D2 Procession in Triq ta' Gorf
D3 Procession in Triq ta' Gorf
D4 Procession in Triq ta' Gorf
D5 Victory Band playing Eucharistic Hymns in Triq ta' Gorf
D6 Girls clad in white robes follow tha Blessed Sacrament
D7 Procession in Triq ta' Gorf
D8 Altar boys in procession
E1 Procession in Triq ta' Gorf
E2 Clergy in Triq ta Gorf
E3 Clergy in Triq ta Gorf
E4 Clergy in Triq ta Gorf

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