Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » LENT 2009 » 03 APR 09 - OUR LADY OF SORROWS - THE PROCESSION

On Friday 3 April the whole village took part in the procession to honour Our Lady of Sorrows - Id-Duluri. This is a feast of immense devotion attracting great crowds throughout the Maltese islands and Xaghra is never an exception. The one hour long procession left the Basilica at 6.00 pm with the Confraternity in the lead. While the statue was stationed on the parvis in full view of the waiting crowd in Victory Square, the Victory Band of Xaghra under the direction of its Musical Director Mro Joseph Galea LCM played the hymn dedicated to the Sorrowing Mother. The band then took its place behind the members of the Confraternity and in front of the statue and the procession resumed its way to 8th September Avenue. Behind the statue were the piccolo Clero, the Clergy and the Chapter of the Collegiate. Behind them came the Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo carrying the reliquary with the relic of the Madonna. The hundreds of faithful present brought up the rear. The procession passed through Triq Marija Bambina, Triq il-Mithna, Triq l-Imqades (by Ggantija Temples), Triq Frangisk Camilleri and back to Triq Marija Bambina, 8th September Avenue and Victory Square. All the way the band played funereal marches and the faithful recited the Rosary and sang Marian Hymns. Several windows, doorways and house facades were illuminated and decorated as a sign of respect towards the Madonna. At 7 pm sharp the statue moved back into the Basilica where Concelebration of the Holy Eucharist then followed.

A1 Statue ready to leave Basilica
A2 Sextons discussing final next move
A3 John Attard in charge
A4 Cross of the Passion leaves Basilica
A5 Note church clock showing 6 pm sharp
A6 Confraternity
A8 Statue of Our Lady leaves Basilica
B1 Victory Band plays the Hymn
Back in Triq Marija Bambina

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