Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » LENT 2009 » 05 APR 09 - PALM SUNDAY - CHILDREN'S PASSION PAGEANT

Another successful presentation by the Vocational Centre of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Palm Sunday, 5th April 2009. In this pageant, a replica in miniature of the renowned Pageant on Good Friday, children under the age of thirteen take exclusive part.

N4 Levites
N5 Scribes
N7 The Elderly
N8 Moses and Aaron
N9 Moses
O1 Aaron
O2 Moses
O3 John the Baptist
O4 Torch bearers
O5 Cross
O6 Symbols of the Crucifixion
O7 Nichodemus and Joseph of Arimathea
O8 Joseph of Arimathes
O9 Nichodemus
P1 Jonas
P2 Knights Templar
P3 Knights Templar
P4 Knights Templar
P5 Knights Templar

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