Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » LENT 2009 » 05 APR 09 - PALM SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE

Palm Sunday started with the blessing of palm and olive branches. At 9.15 am, on a bright and calm Spring sunny day, the Chapter and Clergy left the Basilica in procession to Shaft Street ending up at the crossroads in Church Street. A crowd, amongst whom were many children clad in biblical costumes and holding palm and olive branches, was already there. After prayers and reading of Lessons, Archpriest Carmelo Refalo blessed the palm and olive branches. Archpriest Emeritus of Xaghra, Mgr Eucharist Sultana, then read passages of the Passion from the Holy Scripture. The procession went up Church Street towards the Basilica led by Mgr Refalo carrying the Cross. The choir Voci Angeliche followed the Chapter and Clergy singing hymns. Arriving in front of the closed main door of the Basilica, Mgr Archpriest knocked three times on it with the cross and the door opened. Mass was then celebrated. 

C6 Blessing Palm and Olive branches
C7 waving palm and olive branches
C8 waving palm and olive branches
C9 waving palm and olive branches
D1 waving palm and olive branches
D2 Incensing the Gospel
D3 Mgr Eucharist Sultana reads the Gospel
D6 Start of procession to Basilica
E1 Decorated doorway

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