Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » LENT 2009 » 09 APR 09 - STATUES OF THE PASSION

A1 Lower part of nave
A2 right side of nave
A3 Lesft side of nave
A4 Jesus in Gethsemani
A5 The betrayal by Judas
A6 The scourging
A7 Crowned with thorns
A8 Jesus falls under the Cross
A9 Ir-Redentur
B1 The Veronica
B2 Jesus meets his mother Mary
B3 The Crucifixion
B4 Jesus laid to rest
B5 The Sorrowing Mother
B6 Mary Mother of all the suffering
B7 Vestments for Maundy Thursday celebration
B8 The High Altar ready for Maundy Thursday Celebration

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