Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » LENT 2009 » 09 APR 09 - THE EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION

Before going into mourning for the death of Jesus Christ, the Church commemorates the Last Supper and the Institution of the Holy Eucharist. To the gathered Apostles Jesus told them to do what he was doing that night in his memory. He was thereby also instituting the Priesthood. On this day only one mass is celebrated, in Xaghra starting at 7.00 pm. Co celebrating with Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo were nine priests and Deacon Rev Joseph Curmi. The priests were Archpriest Emeritus of Xaghra Mgr Eucharist Sultana, Canons Angelo Bartolo, Anthony Refalo, John Bartolo, Joseph Sultana, Julian Refalo Rapa and John Sultana and the Reverend Fathers Saviour Sultana and Jesmond Gauci. The procession to the Altar was led by a lady and two youngsters who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this year, carrying the Holy Oils. Twelve men depicting the twelve Apostles moved with the procession.  While Lessons were being read offerings to the altar were made. First the Chalice and the cruets with water and wine followed later by three ciboria full of hosts to be consecrated and finally a jug, a basin and a towel which Mgr Archpriest was to use later to wash the feet of the twelve apostles. This took place after the homily with Mgr Refalo washing the right foot of each one and then kissing it. Among these men were a Local Councillor, a retired sexton and senior members of the Society of Christian Doctrine led by the Superior Mr Joseph Attard. The large congregation filled all corners of the Basilica and two large monitors were in place in the aisles so that the faithful there could follow the proceedings. Ms Marion Portelli and Mr Joseph Rapa were Mass animators. The Voci Angeliche Choir directed by Ms Grace Vella and its musical director Mr Ronald Camilleri accompanying on the organ animated the singing. Fr Joseph Bajada was in charge of the liturgy proceedings. Deacon Reverend Joseph Curmi, transposed the Holy Eucharist to the Altar of Repose when Mass ended. The Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament led the procession from the High Altar to the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament turned into the Altar of Repose. As soon as the service was over, the Seven Visits to the Altar of Repose started being conducted. At the same time, similar celebrations were taking place in other Churches in the Parish, namely those at Marsalforn and Nazzarenu.

E5 Prayers of the Faithful
E6 Prayers of the Faithful
E7 Prayers of the Faithful - brother of Mgr Refalo
E8 The Holy Oils seen on left
E9 The three ciboria
F1 Mgr Sultana during the collection
F2 Mgr Sultana and Can J Sultana receiving the offerings of the faithful
F4 Choir singing during the Collection
F5 Congregation in nave
F6 Congregation in left aisle
F7 Congregation
F8 After the Offertory
F9 Incensing the congregation
G1 The Preface
G2 Preparing for Consecration
G3 All celebrants at the Altar
G5 Can J Sultana reading prayers
G6 Praying over Host and Chalice

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