Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2009 » LENT 2009 » 10 APR 09 - ADORATION OF THE CROSS

The Liturgical celebrations on Good Friday continued with the Adoration of the Cross. The Church was filled to capacity for the service. Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo was the celebrant assisted by Canon John Sultana and Deacon Rev. Reichard N. Farrugia. After Lessons and Psalms the Passion of Christ from the Gospel was read. Then the celebrants went to the main door of the Church were there was a Cross with Christ crucified covered in purple cloth. From there it was taken in procession to the High Altar. Youngsters who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this year lined the aisle passing the Cross to each other. For three times the Deacon took the Cross in his hands and each time partially the Archpriest uncovered the image of Jesus until it was all uncovered by the time it reached the presbytery. Two altar boys held the Cross and led by Archpriest Refalo the Collegiate Chapter and Clergy went up the aisle to pay homage to Christ Crucified and kiss it. The congregation all then went up and did the same. After the adoration of the Cross, Deacon Farrugia transposed the Holy Eucharist from the Altar of repose to the High Altar and Holy Communion followed bringing the service to an end.  

A1 The bare altar
A2 Congregation in the nave
A3 Congregation in the nave
A4 Animators Joyce Curmi and Joseph Bartolo
A5 The Cross of the Chapter covered as a sign of mourning
A6 Mother and daughter taking a part in the Liturgy
A7 In procession to the altar
A8 In procession to the altar
A9 In procession to the altar
B8 The Passion of Christ

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