Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » 01 JAN 10 - MASS END OF KWARANTURI

C4 The First Lesson
C5 Singing of Psalms
C6 The Second Lesson
C7 Can Michael Galea with the Gospel
C8 Can Michael Galea with the Gospel
C9 Bishop Cauchi delivering the sermon
D1 Bishop Cauchi delivering the sermon
D2 Seminarian Simon Cachia with Prayers of the Faithful
D3 The Offertory
D4 The Offertory
D5 The Offertory
D6 The Offertory
D7 Offertory
D8 Offertory
D9 Incensing the High Altar
E1 Congregation
E2 The Preface
E3 Sanctus
E4 Singing the Sanctus

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