Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » 05 DEC 2010 - TWO NEW ACOLYTES MARK BONELLO AND DANIEL GRECH

Another step by two young men to make it to the Altar. Mark Bonello from Xaghra and Daniel Grech from Kercem received the Ministry of Acolyteship from the hands of H.L.Mgr Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo. The ceremony took place during a Concelebrated Mass led by H.L. the Bishop of Gozo in St George's Basilica in Victoria. The Bishop was assisted by Mgr Paul Cardona, Archpriest of St George's Parish and Mgr Joseph Farrugia Archpriest Emeritus of the Parish. Among other priests concelebrating were Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Xaghra Archpriest and Can Brian Mejlak, Parish Priest of Kercem. The Congregation filling the Basilica was led by the parents and grandparents of the two Acolytes, relatives, many friends and members from both theirparishes. While congratulating Mark Bonello and Daniel Grech in their new Ministry, we wish them Ad Altiora.

21 Deacon reding the Gospel
23 Mark presents himself when called by Bishop
24 Daniel presents himself when called by Bishop
25 During the Homily
26 During the Homily
27 Xaghra Archpriest with concelebrants
29 Mark and Daniel in front of Bishop to receive Acolyteship
37 Mark receives the Chalice
39 Daniel receives the Chalice

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