Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » 21 MAY 2010 - NAZZARENU CHURCH - NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT

Novena of the Holy Spirit leading to the feast of Pentecoste was held at Nazzarenu Church. It started on 13 May when the Rector, Can. Anthony Refalo Rapa, led Live Rosary with children taking active part. Being the day when the anniversary of the First apparition of Our Lady in Fatima was being commemorated, consecration of families to Our Lady followed. Mass was celebrated by Mgr George Grima of Moviment Missjunarju fil-Proxxmu. It was animated by members of the Ghaqda Kumittiva and their families. The choir Santa Klara under the direction of Sr Michela animated the singing. On Wednesday 19 May, Fr Joe Xerri Ofm. Conv. celebrated Mass during which babies born during the last twelve months were presented. On Thursday 20 May, Fr Tonio Mifsud Ofm Conv led adoration of the Holy Eucharist and celebrated Mass. On Friday 21 May, children presented a play about St John Mary Vianney with the theme The Cure of Ars Chosen and Sent by the Holy Spirit. This was chosen on the occasion of the Year of the Priest. On the last day, the Nazzarenu Community were happy to welcome amongst themFr Ignatius Borg, ex Church Rector, now Parish Priest of St Lawrence, who celebrated Mass.This year, Fr Ignatiusis celebratingthe Silver Jubilee of his Priesthood - Ad Multos Annos. His brother Joe came expressly from Melbourne and was present participating at Mass reading the Lessons and making the offerings. Reception afterwards, on the Church parvis, brought to an end the Novena. During reception, Fr Borg cut the anniversary cake to the warm applause of all present.Others taking part during the nine days of the Novenaincluded Mgr Carmelo Refalo Xaghra Archpriest, Fr Daniel Xerri Rector of the Gozo Seminary and Fr Mark Demanuele mssp. Celebrations were animated by members of Religious Orders of the Nazzarenu Community amongst whom were the Franciscan Sisters, Eucharistic Communities, Catholic Action and Legion of Mary. Report and photos by Mr Carmel Agius.

63 Mr Joe Borg from Australia reads the Lessons
64 Fr Ignatius Borg, ex Rector of Nazzarenu Church

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