Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » 29 NOV 2010 - FR VICTOR BONELLO OFM Conv TURNS 90

Congratulations to Fr Victor Bonello OFM Conv, in Melbourne, on the great occasion of reaching the venerable age of 90! On behalf of the Xaghra community in his homeland we wish him continued good health and many more years in the service of the Lordbesides a Happy Birthday. AD MULTOS ANNOS. His nephew Victor Bonello from Melbourne writes: Fr Victor Bonello OFM Conv. turned 90 on Monday 29th November 2010. For this great occasion his immediate family led by his threenephews Victor, Tony and Charlie, organized a happy birthday party on Sunday 28th November at St Joseph the Worker parish hall in North Reservoir where his nephew, Fr Emmanuel Bonelloserves asits parish priest. For this occasion, also present were his sister Lorenza and her husband John who live in Port Pirie, South Australia and his nephew Joe Xerri and wife Tarcisja who came down from Sydney. Relatives, friends and former parishioners from Springvale and Dingley also attended. It was a great night for Fr Victor and we were all happy to see him enjoying himself and also that he is still in good health and high spirits. Fr Victor resides at St Bernadette Aged Care Facility, North Sunshine, Melbourne, where he still says mass for the residents, hears confessions and sometimes administers the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. AD MULTOS ANNOS

21 The great moment, cutting the cake
27 Thanking God and family for the occasion
28 the young ones seem more attentive to the cake
30 Receiving the guests' congratulations
39 Happy send off by sister Lorenza

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