Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » CHRISTMAS IN XAGHRA 2010 » 23 DEC 2010 - THE NOVENA AT NAZZARENU CHURCH

In-Novena saret bejn l-Erbgha,15 u l-Hamis 23 ta' Dicembru. It-tema maghzula ghal din is-sena kienet "Dahlu d-dar u raw lit-tifel u nxtehtu fl-art jadurawh". L-iskop ta' din il-mixja kien li flimkien mal-Magi ahna wkoll infittxu u nsibu lil Gesu' fil-Kelma u fl-Ewkaristija. Ic-celebrazzjonijiet kollha tmexxew minn Dun Anton Teuma u kienu animati b'mod tassew haj mit-tfal u mill-Kor Santa Klara. **********The Novena in Nazzarenu Church started on Wednesday 15 December and came to an end on Thursday 23 December. This year`s chosen theme was œThey entered the Manger and prostrate before Him they adored Him. The scope of this journey was that, with the Magi, we too look for Jesus and find Him in the Word and in the Holy Eucharist. Daily Eucharistic Celebration was led by Fr Anthony Teuma and animated in a real live way by children and the Choir Santa Klara.Report and photos by Carmel Agius

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