Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » CHRISTMAS IN XAGHRA 2010 » 27 DEC 2010 - CHRISTMAS CONCERT IN BASILICA

001 Mr Keith Demicoli compere of the evening
002 Mayor Joe Cordina welcoming the guests
005 Guests in the nave
006 Voci Angeliche Choir - Kyrie
007 Audience
008 Mro Dr John Galea directing
009 Voci Angeliche Choir - Kyrie
010 Voci Angeliche Choir - Gloria
011 Voci Angeliche Choir - Gloria
012 Voci Angeliche Choir - Sanctus
013 Guests
014  Voci Angeliche Choir - Sanctus
015 Ms Grace Vella Choir Mistress centre
016 Voci Angeliche Choir - Benedictus
017 Voci Angeliche Choir - Benedictus
018 Voci Angeliche Choir - Agnus Dei
020 Voci Angeliche Choir - O Salutaris Ostia
021 Voci Angeliche Choir - O Salutaris Ostia

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