Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » CHRISTMAS IN XAGHRA 2010 » 28 NOV 2010 - CRIB SEMINAR GHAQDA IL-MILIED FIX-XAGHRA

The Society Christmas in Xaghra (Ghaqda Il-Milied fix-Xaghra) held its Annual Crib Seminar on Sunday 28th November from 09:30 to Noon. The venue was the hall at the Xaghra Youth Centre. The attendance was very encouraging with fifty persons turning up. More encouraging was the fact that they came from all walks of life and ages ranging from six to seventy three. The President of the Society, Mr Victor Agius welcomed the participants and started with his presentation of the world renowned biblical crib, Belen Bancaja. This very large crib built from jablo has its home in Seville Spain. His presentation was supported with video pictures of this famous crib. The guest speaker this year was Gozitan well known artist Mr Paul Stellini. He showed his keen watching audience how to build a crib using jablo as a medium. Prior to the demonstration he gave a very interesting video overview of the way of life in Betlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus. Amongst others, this included plans of houses and a detailed description of how Mary and Joseph had to face problems travelling and looking for shelter, the cave and the manger where Jesus was born and how shepherds tended to their flocks in those days. Officials of the Society and the audience were in for a happy surprise when, at 10.30 a.m., H.L. Bishop Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, walked in accompanied by Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Xaghra Archpriest. The Bishop happened to be in Xaghra to celebrate Mass for the repose of his predecessor, the late Bishop Emeritus Nicholas J Cauchi at the Basilica in Xaghra at 11.00 a.m. and made it a point to pay a visit to the Seminar on the Crib. For ten minutes he followed Paul Stellini conducting the demonstration on crib making. In a short speech before leaving for the Basilica, Bishop Grech congratulated the Society for the work it carries out in favour of the crib and those attending for their participation, ending by giving them his Yuletide Greetings. Lawrence Camilleri, PRO, thanked the Bishop for his visit and reciprocated greetings on behalf of the Society and those attending the seminar.

043 Showing the back of the jablo structure
051 H.L. Bishop Grech makes a surprise visit
053 Bishop with Archpriest Refalo watch the presentation
058 Briefing the Bishop about the seminar
059 Bishop congratulating the artist Paul Stellini

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