Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » EASTER 2010 » 03 APR 2010 - DURING EASTER VIGIL

A1 New Light
A2 On Church Parvis with 2010 Paschal Candle
A3 Arch C Refalo prays at start of service
A4 Can John Sultana holding the Paschal Candle
A6 Alpha fixed to candle
A9 Omega fixed to the candle
B1 Marking the year of the Paschal Candle
B2 Embedding five grains of incense
B3 Concelebrants
B4 Lighting the new Paschal Candle with the New Light
B6 Paschal Candle carried into the Basilica
B7 Fr Michael Curmi carrying the Candle
B8 Archpriest the first to light a candle with the New Light
B9 The New Light spreads to other candles

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