Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » FEAST OF ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT 2010 » 11 JAN 10 - FEAST ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT - FIRST DAY

The week long festivities in honour of St Anthony the Abbot, celebrated in Xaghra,got off to a start on Monday 11 January 2010. The first day was dedicated to the family. It was, therefore, very appropriate to have the Bishop's Delegate on Family Pastoral Work, Fr Anthony Teuma from Xaghra, celebrating Mass that evening in the Church dedicated to the Saint. Concelebrating were Can John Sultana Rector, Can John Bartolo ex Rector and Fr Anthony Bajada, ordained priest last year. In his homily, Fr Teuma exposed the beauty of a family united in prayer and the dangers today's family faces. After the homily the married couples present stood up repeating the marriage vows read out by Mrs Rita Xerri. The singing was animated by Diana Teuma, guitar and singing,and another young girlplaying the guitar with her.Before Mass ended, Can SultanathankedFr Teuma for accepting to lead the celebration that evening saying that the community of Sant'Antonwere happy tohavehim with them. He also thankedFr Teuma for his sterling work for the family to stay united. On his part, Fr Teuma said that he was always happy to be in the Church dedicated to his patron Saint adding that not only he carried the Saint's name but yhat also he was baptised on the liturgical feast of Saint Anthony the Abbot. The service came to an end with Benediction with the Holy Eucharist imparted by Fr Anthony Bajada. The Rector finally thanked Mr Theddy Refalo whooffered the Churcha beautiful garland of embroidered flowers which he made at his own expense.

C4 The Lord's Prayer
C6 Embrace in Peace
C7 Embrace in Peace
C8 Embrace in Peace
C9 Distribution of Holy Eucharist
D1 Tha Lamb of God
D2 Holy Communion
D3 Holy Communion
D4 Fr Anton Teuma
D5 Final Prayers
D6 Benediction
D7 Applauding Fr Teuma
D8 At end of Mass
D9 Celebrants return to Sacristy
E1 Reciting the Kurunella
E2 Reciting the Kurunella
E3 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
E4 Prayers before Benediction

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