Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » FEAST OF ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT 2010 » 14 JAN 10 - TRIDUUM SECOND DAY

Today's celebrant of the Holy Eucharist was Mons. Carmelo Borg from Kercem, with Rector Can John Sultana, Deputy Rector Can John Bartolo, Cantor Canon Anthony Refalo, Fr Jesmond Gauci and Deacon Stephen Magro Ofm. co celebrating and Fr Anthony Bajada assisting on them. Mgr Lawrence Sciberras delivered the sermon for the second day. The Nativitas Choir under the direction of Ms Sylvana Agius accompanied on the synthesizer by Mr Ivan Attard animated the singing. Benediction with the Holy Sacrament was imparted by Deacon Stephen Magro Ofm.

C3 Mgr Lawrence Sciberras delivering the sermon
C5 Prayers of the Faithful Ms Sonia Bonnici
C7 The Offerings
C8 The Offerings
C9 The Offerings
D1 Offertory
D2 Offertory
D4 Incensing the offerings
D5 Choir Nativitas
D6 Preface
E1 Can J Bartolo and Can A Refalo
E2 Consecration
E3 Elevation of Holy Host
E4 Elevation of the Holy Blood of Christ

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