Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » FEAST OF ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT 2010 » 15 JAN 10 - PILGRIMAGE FONTANA PARISH

A pilgrimage from Fontana Parish visited the Church of St Anthony the Abbot on Friday 15th January 2010. Fr Joseph Bajada, the new Parish Priest from Xaghra, said Mass for the pilgrims at 1.00 p.m. Co celebrating were Mgr. Louis Vella and his brother Fr George Vella.

C4 The Preface
C5 Consecration
C6 Elevation of the Holy Host
C7 Elevation of the Holy Blood
C9 The Lord's Prayer
D1 The Lord's Prayer
D2 Embrace in peace
D3 The Lamb of God
D4 Holy Communion
D5 Holy Communion
D6 Holy Communion
D7 Paraying after Holy Communion
D8 Final Prayers
D9 Can John Bartolo addressing the pilgrims
E1 Benediction
E2 Fontana Pilgrims outside the Church

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