Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » FEAST OF ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT 2010 » 15 JAN 10 - TRIDUUM THIRD DAY

The Vicar General, Mgr Giovanni B Gauci held his annual appointment with the feast by celebrating the Holy Eucharist on the third and closing day of the Triduum. Co celebrating were Can John Sultana, Rector of the Church; Can John Bartolo, deputy Rector; Can Anthony Refalo, Cantor of the Collegiate Chapterand Deacon Stephen Magro Ofm. assisted by Fr Anthony Bajada.Mgr Lawrence Sciberras delivered his last sermon on the life of the Saint. He endedwith a touch on the historical ties of Xaghra with the Saint, from the early fifteenth century when there was already a chapel dedicated to the Saint, the sad events when the deadly plague hit Xaghra exactly in the areaaround the Church in 1814 until 1688 when the chapelwas chosenas the First Church of the new parish of Xaghra. A long well merited applause to Mgr Sciberras followedin appreciation of three most learned sermons he delivered during the days of triduum. A quartet from the Diocesan Choir made up of Ms Dorianne Portelli - leader - Ms Marita Vella and Ms Diana Teuma accompanied by Ms Marita Bigeni on the synthesizer animated the singing. Finally, benediction with the Blessed Sacrament was imparted by Canon Michael Galea. After the service, young boys rehearsed for the children's procession with the old statue of the Saint which was on the following day's programme.

C3 The Offertory
C5 The Offertory
C8 Deacon incensing Celebrant
C9 Fr A Bajada incensing co celebrants
D1 The Preface
D2 Consecration
D3 Elevation of the Holy Host
D4 Elevation of the Holy Blood
D5 Praying after Consecration
D6 Prayers by Can John Sultana
D8 Prayers by Can John Bartolo
E1 The Lord's Prayer
E2 Can Anthony Refalo and Can John Bartolo
E3 Embracing in peace
E4 Embracing in Peace

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