Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » FEAST OF ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT 2010 » 16 JAN 10 - CHILDREN'S DAY - MASS

On Saturday 16th January, it was Fr Charles Sultana`s turn to celebrate the Holy Eucharist at the Church of St Anthony the Abbot on the eve of the feast of the Saint in 2010 when he said Mass for children at 10.00 a.m. Fr Sultana, from Xaghra, is Vicar to the Parish Priest of St Lawrence. The singing was animated by the guitarist trio Diane and Louise sisters Teuma and Mikela Farrugia. After Mass, the old effigy of St Anthony the Abbot was carried by altar boys in procession to St Anthony Square. In spite of the biting cold a good number of children attended the service. In St Anthony Square, the childrenwere entertainedtogames organised by Mr Joe Louis Sciberras andparticipants were presented withmedals by Canon John Sultana, Rector of the Church of St Anthony the Abbot.Each present received a bag of sweets.

E5 Holy Communion
E8 Benediction at end of Mass
E9 Return to sacristy
F1 Procession with old statue
F2 Altar boys carry the statue
F3 In procession to St Anthony Square
F4 In procession to St Anthony Square
F5 In procession to St Anthony Square
F6 In procession to St Anthony Square
F7 In procession to St Anthony Square
F8 In procession to St Anthony Square
F9 In procession to St Anthony Square
G1 In procession to St Anthony Square
G2 In procession to St Anthony Square
G3 Sounds of music
G4 In procession to St Anthony Square
G6 In St Anthony Square

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