Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » TITULAR FEAST 2010 » 07 AUG 2010 - MASS ON TENTH SATURDAY

On Saturday 7 August 2010, celebration of the Tenth Saturday, one of twelve preceding the Festa, was dedicated to the farming community. Fr Mark Ciantar O.f.m. celebrated the Holy Eucharist with Mgr Carmelo Refalo and Can. Julian Refalo Rapa concelebrating. Taking part with traditional folklore singing was a group of guitarists and male singers. Prior to the Mass, families from various streets were consecrated to Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Besides the usual Mass offerings, families and couples presented bouqes of flowers, fruit and vegetables. Nativitas Choir directed by Mrs. Sylvana Agius accompanied by Mr. Ivan Attard on the organ took part. Mr Louis Bajada animated Mass. After Mass, certificates of consecration were presented to the relative families.

062 Vegetables
063 fruit
Congregation in the nave

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