Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » TITULAR FEAST 2010 » 07 AUG 2010 - TENTH SATURDAY - CERTIFICATES AND SINGING

On the tenth Saturday, as in all the twelve Saturdays preceding the Festa, families were consecrated to Our Lady. After Mass, the celebrant, Fr Mark Ciantar O.f.m.presented them with certificates. The folkloristic guitar and singing group, who were singing in the Basilicaduring Mass,then played on the Church parvis for those present to enjoy a nice evening. The people present, especially visitors to the island who were dining on Victory Square, loved it immensely.

63 The first to be present for such events
64 Emigrants
66 Copies of painting in the Basilica on church facade
67 Copies of painting in the Basilica on church facade

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