Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » TITULAR FEAST 2010 » 11 SEP 2010 - BAMBINA RETURNED TO NICHE

The annual Thanksgiving Mass was this year celebrated with a difference. It was a penitential Mass focusing on the tragic events before the feast, the tragedy of the fireworks factory explosion leaving six dead victims, factory owner Nenu Farrugia, daughter in law Antoinette, his sons Noel and Raymond, son in law Peter Paul Micallef and Jean Pierre Azzopardi. The intention of the Mass was for the repose of the their souls.The main celebrant was Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest, with ten other co celebrants and the Rev Deacon Simon M Cachia.The altar boys choir animated the singing while Mr Louis Bajada served as Mass animator. After Mass, the statue of the Bambina was returned to the niche.

084 Archpriest closes the niche door

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