Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » TITULAR FEAST 2010 » 24 JUL 2010 - EIGHTH SATURDAY OF THE BAMBINA

The twelve Saturdays preceding the Titular Feast of the Parish, the Nativity of Our Lady, are celebrated with solemnity. Every Saturday is dedicated to sections of society.Saturday the 24th July was dedicated to the Police Corps, the Army and the Civil Protection. Mass was celebrated by the Chaplain of the Police Force, Fr. Raymond Bonnici Ofm. Cap. In his homily, Fr Bonnici paid tribute to those members of the Police Corps who lost their lives in the execution of their duties. Concelebrating with Fr Bonnici were Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Mgr Anthony Refalo, Can. Julian Refalo Rapa and Rev. Fr. Richard Nazzareno Farrugia. Seminarian Mario Curmi animated Mass. The Nativitas Choir directed by Mrs. Silvana Agius accompanied on the organ by Christian Bajada animated the singing. After Mass, Fr Bonnici presented certificates of Consecration of families to Our Lady to those who had earlier renewed their consecration to Our Mother Mary.

001 First Lesson
002 Second Lesson
003 Fr Richard N Farrugia incensing the Bible
004 The Gospel
006 Fr Raymond Bonnici OFM Cap delivering the Homily
008 The Congregation
009 Can J Refalo Rapa and Mgr Ant Refalo
010 Credo
011 Prayers of the Faithful
013 The Offerings
014 The Offerings
015 Offertory
016 Nativitas Choir
018 The Preface
019 Sanctus
020 Elevation of the Holy Host

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