Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » TITULAR FEAST 2010 » 27 AUG 2010 - HONOURING THE DEPARTED

During the festa, all sections of the parish community are involved and remembered. This special year also those, our dear departed ones, who in the nearor very distant past, , used to celebrate and get involved in the festa were remembered. With the new extension of the cemetery ready, a pilgrimage was held from the Basilica to the place. Mgr Archpriest, seven priests, Rev. Deacon Simon Mario Cachia, Seminarians and piccolo clero followed by the faithful left the Basilica at 7.00 p.m. heading for the cemetery. For the first time, the celebration of the Holy Eucharist was held. Canon George Farrugia, in charge of the cemetery, celebrated Mass starting at 7.30 p.m. with the other priests co celebrating. Can George Farrugia thanked the Archpriest for bringing to fruition a long wish of the Xaghra community to have a decent resting place for their dear departed ones. On his part, Mgr Refalo paid tribute to all those who helped in making a dream coming true with particular reference to Mr Salvu Bonello who was involved in the immense task of overseeing mammoth works carried out in the fullest detail. As the Archpriest pointed out, this was a difficult job as not what was above soil level and could be seen that was a headache but all that was below since the new extension was built on a slope made of clay.

43 Prayers of the Faithful Mrs Maria Mercieca
46 Offertory
47 Offertory
50 Elevation of the Body of Christ
51 Consecrating the wine
52 Elevation of the Blood of Christ
56 The Lord's Prayer
57 Embrace of peace
58 Peace messages
60 Holy Communion

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