Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » TITULAR FEAST 2010 » 29 AUG 2010 - BAMBINAFEST - DRAMA JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BRETHREN

41 Wife lies to her husband Joseph tried to seduce her
42 Joseph is thrown into dungeons
43 Joseph meets two inmates Pharaoh's cupbearer and baker
44 Two inmates recount dreams to Joseph
45 Cup bearer recounts the dream of the grapes
46 The chief baker recounts the dream of the bakery products
47 Joseph tells cupbearer he will be freed and the baker he would die
51 While he slept Paraoh dreamt seeing seven fat cows
52 The seven fat cows
54 Pharaoh dreams seeing seven lean cows
55 Seven lean cows arrive
56 The seven lean cows devour the fat ones
57 The cupbearer told Pharaoh Joseph could interpret his dreams
58 Joseph interprets the dreams
59 Pharaoh is impressed and frees Joseph from prison
60 Joseph tells Pharaoh to put a wise man in charge of Egypt

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