Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » TITULAR FEAST 2010 » 29 AUG 2010 - BAMBINAFEST - DRAMA JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BRETHREN

61 Joseph is installed over the whole land of Egypt
64 Sowing wheat during the 7 bountiful years
65 Harvesting is finished
66 Bags of grain are collected
67 The grain is stored
68 Joseph told of the bountiful seasons
69 Jacob with his youngest son Benjamin
70 Jacob's family suffering hunger
71 Jacob hears Egypt has lot of food and sends his sons to buy
72 Jacob's sons arrive in Egypt to buy grain
73 Joseph recognizes his brothers
74 Joseph tells them to go bring Benjamin to him
75 Benjamin is brought to Joseph
78 Search is made in each sack
79 Joseph tells them that he would send to prison the thief
80 The cup is found in Benjamin's sack
81 Joseph tells them he is the brother they had sold

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