Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » Lent 2010 » 01 APR 2010 - NAZZARENU - MAUNDY THURSDAY

Photos Carmel Agius

A1 Altar of Repose ready to house the Holy Eucharist until Easter Saturday
A2 The Lessons
A3 Men representing the Apostles
A4  Men representing the Apostles
A5 Ceremony of the washing of the feet
A6 Fr Anthony Teuma washing Apostle's feet
A7 Fr Anthony Teuma washing Apostle's feet
A8 Fr Anthony Teuma washing Apostle's feet
A9 Fr Anthony Teuma washing Apostle's feet
B1 Fr Anthony Teuma kissing the Apostle's feet
B5 Presenting the Offerings
B6 Presenting the Offerings
B7 Elevation of the Holy Eucharist
B8 Elevation of the Holy Blood of Chtist
B9 Holy Communion

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