Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » Lent 2010 » 05 MAR 2010 - SECOND PILGRIMAGE IN LENT - MASS

A1 Exposition of Holy Eucharist before Mass
A2 The Altar designed for Lent
A3 Joseph Azzopardi animating Mass
A4 Parish altar boys lead the congregation
A5 Nazzareno Community guitar group animating the singing
A6 Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo incensing the Crucifix
A7 Co celebrants
A8 Start of Mass
A9 Congregation
B1 Congregation
B2 Victoria Xerri reading the Lessons
B3 Age no barrier for attending
B5 Arch Emeritus Mgr E Sultana reads the Gospel
B6 The homily by Arch Mgr C Refalo
B7 Prayers of the faithful
B8 Prayers of the faithful
B9 Mass Offerings
C1 Mass Offerings
C2 Offertory

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