Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2010 » Lent 2010 » 26 MAR 2010 - FEAST OF OUR LADY OF SORROWS

The Parish of Xaghra joined the Catholic Church in paying homage to Mary Mother of Sorrows on Friday 26 March 2010. As customary every year the faithful turned up in their hundreds and took part in the extremely devout procession which started at 6.00 p.m. The Victory Band led the procession playing funereal marches and Marian hymns. The statue of Our Lady of Sorrows followedwith the Chapter, Clergy and altar boys following it. The faithfulwalked at the end of the procession with prayers. The procession moved along the streets in the Ggantija area.Back inside the Basilica, Eucharistic Celebration was held. Mgr Archpriest Carmelo Refalo was the principal celebrant with nine other priests. Joseph Refalo animated Mass while the Choir Voci Angeliche directed by Mrs Grace Vella accompanied on the organ by Fr Michael Curmi animated the singing.

L2 The Homily
L3 Prayers of the Faithful
L4 The Offerings
L5 The Offerings
L6 Offertory
L7 Voci Angeliche Choir
L8 Voci Angeliche Choir Director Ms Grace Vella
L9 Voci Angeliche Choir
M1 Fr Michael Curmi at the Organ
M2 Voci Angeliche Choir
M9 Holy Communion
N1 Holy Communion
N2 Holy Communion
N3 Holy Communion

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