Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2012 » EASTER 2012 » 07 APR 2012 - THE CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST


061In the Nave
062 In the right hand aisle
063 Deacon dipping the Paschal Candle in the water
064 Deacon dipping the Paschal Candle in the water
065 Blessing of water complete
066 Baptism of Elenia Marie, Emma, Faith Sultana
067 Baptism of Elenia Marie, Emma, Faith Sultana
068 Baptism of Elenia Marie, Emma, Faith Sultana
069 Baptism of Elenia Marie, Emma, Faith Sultana
070 Baptism of Elenia Marie, Emma, Faith Sultana
071 Baptism of Elenia Marie, Emma, Faith Sultana
072 Baptism of Elenia Marie, Emma, Faith Sultana
073 Procession to the Baptismal
074 Procession to the Baptismal
075 Baptismal being filled with blessed water
078 Preparing baby for baptism
079 Elaine Marie, Emma, Faith being baptised
080 Elaine Marie, Emma, Faith being baptised

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