Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2012 » EASTER 2012 » 07 APR 2012 - THE CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST


101 Baby safely returned to parents
102 End of Baptismal rite
103 Prayers of the Faithful
104 Prayers of the Faithful
105 Prayers of the Faithful
106  Prayers of the Faithful
107  Prayers of the Faithful
110 Deacon getting Holy Water to bless Congregation
111 Deacon sprinkling Holy water on Congregation
112 Deacon sprinkling Holy water on Congregation
113 Deacon sprinkling Holy water on Congregation
115 Deacon sprinkling Holy water on Congregation
116 Deacon sprinkling Holy water on Congregation
117 Deacon sprinkling Holy water on celebrants
118 Deacon sprinkling Holy water on altar boys
119 The Offerings
120 The Offerings

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