Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2012 » HOLY WEEK 2012 » 03 APR 2012 - SPECIAL SERVICE FOR PROCESSION PARTICIPANTS

On Good Friday, the Adoration of the Cross takes place starting at 3.00 pm. and ending about two hours later, barelyone hour before theProcession of the Passion starts leaving the Basilica. This time framegives little chanceto those participating in the procession/pageant to attend this service which is of manifest importance. So, a special service similar to it is held acouple ofdays before Good Friday. This was held onTuesday 3 April at 7.00 pm starting with Masscelebrated by Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo with his uncle Can. Julkian Refalo Rapa and cousin Mgr Anthony Refaloco celebrants followed by the Adoration of the Cross. Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo then addressed the gathering and Easter Festivities Committee Chairman John Attard briefed those attending. Easter loaf ringswere in the end presented to each one.

46 John Attard Committee president briefing the participants
51 Archpriest's message
53 Distributing Easter loaf rings
54 Distributing Easter loaf rings
55 Distributing Easter loaf rings
56 Distributing Easter loaf rings
57 Distributing Easter loaf rings
58 Distributing Easter loaf rings
59 Distributing Easter loaf rings
60 Distributing Easter loaf rings

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