Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2012 » HOLY WEEK 2012 » 05 APR 2012 - MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE

Before His dying on the Cross on Calvary,Jesus wanted to leave a legacy to humanity. This was nothing less than His whole self, His Body and His Blood,therebyinstituting the Holy Eucharist. This he did during the Last Supper with the Apostles. The Catholic Church rightly rejoices on this day and celebrates the Big Holy Event.

In Xaghra, this was celebrated in a solemn ceremony with Archpriest Refalo being the principal celebrant during Concelebrated Solemn Mass with other nine priests. This day is also dedicated to the priesthood as on this day Jesus mandated the apostles to do it in His remembrance, thereby they becoming the first priests of the New Testament.

This year`s service was dedicated to The Ministry within the Church. Leading the congregation were parents of religious people and altar boys, Special Ministers of the Holy Eucharist, and others involved in the the service of the Church.The Holy Oils, blessed in the morning by Bishop Mgr Mario Grech during the function at the Cathedral, were carried in the procession to the High Altar before Mass started. A boy carried the Holy Oil used for the Sacrament of Confirmation, a lady carried the Holy Oil to be used for the Sacrament of Baptism while the Holy Oil used for the ointment of the Sick was carried by a priest. At start of Mass, Archpriest Refalo paid tribute to the priests particularly those serving overeas and in the Missions. He also paid tribute to Can. Angelo Bartolo, aged 86, who this year was celebrating 60 years of his ordination to the priesthood, having been ordained by Bishop Joseph Pace on the 29th March 1952. This was met with great applause by the congregation.

After the homily, the celebrant, as part of the day`s liturgy, washed the feet of twelve men representing the Apostles like Jesus did during the Last Supper. This year, he washed the feet of parents of priests, of Deacon Bonello, of Lector Sultana, of Seminarian Curmi and of altar boys, all ministers of the Church. In the case of Deacon Bonello, the celebrant also washed exceptionally the feet of his mother in the year of the deacon`s ordination this June. The Offerings were carried by the parents of Sr Vincienne Mifsud (Sisters of Mother Theresa, Rome) and the mother of Sr Georgianne Sultana (Ursuline Sisters, Sliema Malta).

After Mass, the Blessed Sacrament was taken in procession to the Altar of Repose where it was to stay in the tabernacle until the ceremony of the Adoration of the Cross on the afternoon of Good Friday when Holy Communion will take place. Children, who this year will be receiving their First Holy Communion, led the procession carrying red lights. Archpriest Refalo carried the Blessed Sacrament which, as said, he placed in the tabernacle for the adoration of the Faithful. Then started the Seven Visits to the Holy Sepulchre. The Basilica stayed open until midnight.

Joseph Rapa and Marion Portelli animated Mass. The singing was animated by the Parish Choir, Voci Angeliche directed by Grace Vella accompanied on the organ by the Rev. Fr Michael Curmi.

104 Prayers of the Faithful
105 Prayers of the Faithful
106 The Offerings by mother of Sr Mifsud (Rome)
107 The Offerings by father of Sr Mifsud (Rome)
108 The Offerings by mother of Sr Sultana (Sliema Malta)
109 Offertory
110 Offertory
113 Mrs Grace Vella ditecting the Choir
115 Offerings for parish priests
116 Offerings for parish priests
118 The Preface
120 Blessing the Offerings

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