Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2012 » CHRISTMAS 2012 » 28 DEC 2012 - CRIBS AT SANT ANTON

DSC_0196 Mechanised crib
DSC_0197 Mechanised crib
DSC_0198 Large static crib
DSC_0199 Large static crib
DSC_0200 Large static crib
DSC_0201 Large static crib
DSC_0202 Large static crib
DSC_0203 Large static crib
DSC_0205 Large static crib
DSC_0206 Large static crib
DSC_0207 Neapolitan Crib
DSC_0208 Neapolitan Crib
DSC_0209 Neapolitan Crib
DSC_0210 Neapolitan Crib
DSC_0211 coming next The Fishmonger
DSC_0212 The Fishmonger
DSC_0215 The Fishmonger
DSC_0216 coming next
DSC_0217 Fruit and vegetable vendor

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