Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2013 » CHRISTMAS 2013 » 24 DEC 2013 - MIDNIGHT MASS

The Church Service on Christmas Night started at 11.00 pm with Carol Singing by the Choir Voci Angeliche standing in front of the High Altar. Directing the Choir was its Director, Mrs Grace Vella, with Organist Mr Ivan Attard accompanying the Choir on the organ. At 11.30 pm Celebration of the Office of the Readings of the Office of Christmas started with the Archpriest leading the service; choir and congregation taking part. By now the Basilica was packed and many had to stay standing at the back of the aisles as all seating capacity was taken up. When the service came to the end, a boy delivered the traditional Boy’s Sermon from the pulpit.

Five minutes to midnight, Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo approached the side altar where the image of Baby Jesus lay covered with a white sheet. After exposing the image, Archpriest Refalo incensed it and, holding it high, moved in procession up the nave to the High Altar. Meantime, the lights in the Basilica were subdued and spotlights accompanied the image of Baby Jesus. For some moments Archpriest Refalo faced the congregation, holding high the image of Baby Jesus. He then handed it to the Parish Vicar, Fr Joseph Bajada who, on the stroke of midnight, placed Baby Jesus in the ornamental throne (gilandra) on top of the High Altar. All lights in the Basilica were turned on and intonement of the Gloria took place initiating the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Archpriest Carmelo Refalo was the principal celebrant at Midnight Mass with six other priests, Fr Joseph Bajada, Parish Vicar, and Fr Michael Curmi, and Canons George Farrugia, John Bartolo, Joseph Sultana and Julian Refalo Rapa from the Collegiate Chapter co celebrating. The Choir Voci Angeliche under the direction of Mrs Grace Vella animated the singing. The Choir was accompanied by Mr Ivan Attard on the organ and Mr Christian Magrin with the trumpet. Ms Maria Grima and Mr Louis Bajada were Mass animators.

By the time Mass ended, the weather turned for the worse and it was raining resulting in the cancellation of Agape, social gathering whereby people exchanged greetings personally to each other while enjoying a cup of hot drink and cake. This was programmed to take place on the Church parvis but, as said, it had to be unfortunately cancelled. 

DSC_0110 Chanting the Psalm
DSC_0111 Chanting the Psalm
DSC_0112 Chanting the Psalm
DSC_0114 Second Lesson
DSC_0115 Second Lesson
DSC_0118 The Gospel
DSC_0119 The Gospel
DSC_0122 The Gospel
DSC_0126 Archpriest delivering the Homily
DSC_0127 Archpriest delivering the Sermon
DSC_0128 Archpriest delivering the Sermon
DSC_0130 Congregation packing the right hand side aisle
DSC_0131 Congregation packing the nave
DSC_0132 Congregation packing the left hand side aisle
DSC_0133 Archpriest delivering the Sermon
DSC_0135 '.. and the Word was made Flesh ..'
DSC_0137 Prayers of the Faithful

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