Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2013 » FEAST OF ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT 2013 » 20 JAN 2013 - MURAL IN MOSAIC

40 Presentation of certificates
41 Presentation of certificates
42 Presentation of certificates
43 Presentation of certificates
44 Presentation of certificates
45 Presentation of certificates
46 Presentation of certificates
47 Presentation of certificates
48 Presentation of certificates
49 Presentation of certificates
50 Presentation of certificates
51 Presentation of memento to Ms Maryn Portelli
52 Presentation of memento to Ms Maryn Portelli
53 Presenting T Shirts to participants
54 Presenting T Shirts to participants
55 Presenting T Shirts to participants
56 Presenting T Shirts to participants
57 Presenting T Shirts to participants

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