Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2013 » FESTA GESU NAZZARENU 2013 » 18 SEP 2013 - H L BISHOP JOSEPH BONELLO OPENS CELEBRATIONS 2013

This year's festivities were opened by H.L. Bishop Joseph Bonello OFM. Bishop Bonello was invited to the Titular Feast of Maria Bambina celebrated on the 8th September, and he extended his stay to open the festivities of Gesu Nazzarenu. Fr Bonello's bond with the community of Nazzarenu is deep rooted having been born there and where he spent his childhood and grew up. He was an altar boy at the Parish Church and of course giving his services as a boy to the Church of Nazzarenu. Following his primary education in Xaghra and then continuing his Secondary education he joined the Friar's Minor. Ordained Bishop on 12 February 2011 he was assigned his pastoral duties in the Diocese of Juticalpa in the mission of Honduras.

So this could not have been more appropriate and of greater honour for the Nazzarenu Community having His Lordship opening this year's festivities of the feast of Nazzarenu. Today he was the main celebrant at Mass in the evening. Co celebrating were Mgr Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest of Xaghra and the Rector of the Church, Can Anthony Refalo together with Mgr Carmelo Hili and Fr Salvatore Sultana; Deacon Daniel Sultana attended. The last three mentioned all hail from the Nazzarenu area.

In a very moving homily, Bishop Bonello went back to describe his childhood days serving as an altar boy and growing up in Xaghra. He had no words to enable him describe the welcome he received during his stay in his hometown and especially the generosity shown by the people of Xaghra in contributing financially to his Mission in Honduras. By that time donations had exceeded the €35,000 mark and by the time he left two days later it had exceeded €40,500. He was lost for words to thank his compatriots for their great generosity.

When the time arrived to say goodbye that evening, people queued up in the sacristy to donate and have a photo with him. 

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