Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2013 » FESTA GESU NAZZARENU 2013 » 26 SEP 2013 - DAY DEDICATED TO APOSTOLIC WORKERS

Today the Kwaranturi (Forty Hours of Adoration) started. Celebrations were dedicated to people involved in Apostolic Work. First Mass at 6.00 am was celebrated by Mgr Carmelo Hili. After the 7.00 am mass by Mgr Carmelo Refalo the Holy Eucharist was exposed to start the 40 hour adoration. Adoration stopped at 11.00 am until 2.00 pm. 

At 7.15 pm Celebration of the Holy Eucharist  by Fr Mark Demanuele MSSP assisted by the Church Rector Can Anthony Refalo started. Fr mark was celebrating Mass in thanksgiving for his 25 years of priesthood and many years of pastoral work amongst the Nazzarenu Community.  Members of Eucharistic Communities and Catholic Organizations animated the Mass. Singing was animated by the Choir Nativitas of the Victory Band under the direction of its Director Mr Ivan Attard on the organ.

After Mass, High Tea and Bingo were held at the Centru Gesu Nazzarenu.

Photos are courtesy of Carmel Agius

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