Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2014 » CHRISTMAS 2014 » 22 DEC 2014 - CRIBS AT SANT ANTON

Three artistic cribs are on show in St Anthony Street, near the Church of Saint Anthony the Abbot. In a house near the church one can find two cribs, one static and another mechanical. In the house entrance, one comes across the static crib built by youngsters Jason Vella, Silvan Bonello, Isaac Gauci and Josef Mercieca. In a room on the right, the visitor will find the mechanical crib built by Lorry Refalo and Silvan Bonello. In a garage in the same street lies on exhibition the static artistic crib built by Fabio Azzopardi. In the garden adjacent to the Church, there is a large manger with plastic figurines each alight in the darkness.


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