Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2014 » FEAST of ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT » 13 JAN 2014 - DAY 1 FEAST OF ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT

The Liturgical Feast of St Anthony the Abbot falls on the 17th day of January. In Xaghra, for long, it has been celebrated with great devotion on the third Sunday in January, this year on Sunday, 19th January. Celebrations centre around the Church dedicated to the Saint in the area known as Ta' Sant'Anton. The church is one of the oldest chapels in Gozo reportedly having been there in 1400 and has a long history. Celebrations opened this year's festivities today, Monday 13th January, with the day dedicated to Altar Boys and Vocations. As appropriate, Solemn Mass in the evening was celebrated by Can Brian Mejlak, Archpriest of Kercem and Diocesan Director of Altar Boys. After the homily, the investiture took place of young Jonathan Formosa as the new altar boy. He will be the twelfth altar boy serving the Church and, as Can Mejlak commented, their number was similar to that of the Apostles and he exhorted them to serve the altar with diligence and devotion like the apostles served the Church. Ms Louise Teuma animated the Liturgy. The service came to a close with recitation of the kurunella, singing of the hymn to the Saint and benediction with the Holy Eucharist being imparted. Afterwards, the people present could view and admire the filigree works by Mr Theddy Refalo embellishing the niche of Our Lady of Fatima, and which he donated to the Church.

DSC_0005 Statue of the Saint
DSC_0007 The Altar with titular painting by Dun Salv Bondi 1816
DSC_0008 Entering the church for Mass
DSC_0012 Co celebrants Fr Anthony Bajada and Deputy Rector Can John Bartolo
DSC_0013 Can Brian Mejlak, Kercem Parish Priest principal celebrant
DSC_0015 Rector Can John Sultana (on right)
DSC_0016 The Lessons
DSC_0018 Can Sultana incensing the Gospel Book
DSC_0019 Can Sultana reading the Gospel
DSC_0022 Canon B Mejlak delivering the Homily
DSC_0023 Canon B Mejlak delivering the Homily
DSC_0025 Jonathan Formosa to be invested as Altar Boy of Sant' Anton
DSC_0027 Blessing the habit of altar boy
DSC_0028 Jonathan receives the habit of altar boy

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