Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2014 » FEAST of ST ANTHONY THE ABBOT » 14 JAN 2014 - S. ANTON FIRST DAY OF TRIDUUM

DSC_0053 The Lord's Prayer
DSC_0055 Embrace in peace
DSC_0056 Embrace in peace
DSC_0059 Invitation to Holy Communion
DSC_0060 Holy Communion
DSC_0061 Holy Communion
DSC_0062 Holy Communion
DSC_0063 Holy Communion
DSC_0064 Holy Communion
DSC_0065 Holy Communion
DSC_0066 Holy Communion
DSC_0067 Holy Communion
DSC_0068 Final Prayers
DSC_0071 Can John Bartolo reciting the kurunella
DSC_0072 reciting the kurunella
DSC_0074 reciting the kurunella

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