Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2014 » HOLY WEEK AND EASTER 2014 » 19 APR 2014 - EASTER VIGIL

DSC_0001 Banners in Victory Square
DSC_0002 Victory Square after sunset
DSC_0005 The New Light
DSC_0006 Archpriest initiates the Vigil
DSC_0007 Archpriest blesses the New Light
DSC_0008 Sexton transferring light nto the Paschal Candle
DSC_0009 lighting the Paschal Candle
DSC_0010 Animators commenting on the proceedings
DSC_0011 Archpriest makes the symbols
DSC_0012 Archpriest makes the symbols
DSC_0013 Archpriest makes the symbols
DSC_0014 Emedding grains of incense on the Paschal Candle
DSC_0015 Emedding grains of incense on the Paschal Candle
DSC_0016 Emedding grains of incense on the Paschal Candle
DSC_0017 Emedding grains of incense on the Paschal Candle
DSC_0018 Emedding grains of incense on the Paschal Candle
DSC_0019 Emedding grains of incense on the Paschal Candle
DSC_0020 Emedding grains of incense on the Paschal Candle
DSC_0021 The grains of incense completely embedded

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