Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2014 » HOLY WEEK AND EASTER 2014 » 19 APR 2014 - EASTER VIGIL

DSC_0044 Reading from the Scripture ends
DSC_0045 First reading - Genesis - The Creation
DSC_0046 First reading - Genesis - The Creation
DSC_0047 First reading - Genesis - The Creation
DSC_0048 Young chorister chanting the Psalm
DSC_0049 Voci Angeliche Choir replies to the Psalm
DSC_0050 Archpriest with prayers
DSC_0051 Second Reading - Genesis - Abraham and Isaac
DSC_0052 Second Reading - Genesis - Abraham and Isaac
DSC_0053 Second Reading - Genesis - Abraham and Isaac
DSC_0054 Second Reading - Genesis - Abraham and Isaac
DSC_0055 Second Reading - Genesis - Abraham and Isaac
DSC_0056 The Psalm
DSC_0057 Choir Voci Angeliche responds to the Psalm
DSC_0058 Animators
DSC_0059 Archpriest with prayers
DSC_0060 Third Reading  Reading - Isaiah
DSC_0061 Third Reading  Reading - Isaiah

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