Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2014 » HOLY WEEK AND EASTER 2014 » 19 APR 2014 - EASTER VIGIL

DSC_0062 The Psalm
DSC_0063 Choir Voci Angeliche responds to the Psalm
DSC_0064 Archpriest with prayers
DSC_0065 The Fourth Reading
DSC_0066 The Psalm
DSC_0067 Archpriest with prayers
DSC_0068 The Fifth Reading
DSC_0069 The Psalm
DSC_0070 Archpriest with prayers
DSC_0071 Sixth Reading
DSC_0072 The Psalm
DSC_0073 Choir Director Ms Grace Vella
DSC_0074 On the Organ Mr Ivan Attard
DSC_0075 Archpriest with prayers
DSC_0076 Seventh Reading
DSC_0077 The Psalm
DSC_0078 Archpriest intoning the Gloria
DSC_0079 Statue of the Risen Christ ready to move up above the Altar

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