Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2015 » 25 APR 2015 - GOLDEN JUBILEE PRIESTHOOD MGR E SULTANA

On Saturday 25th April 2015, Archpriest Emeritus Mgr Eucaristico Sultana celebrated Thanksgiving Mass to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of his Ordination to the priesthood. Co celebrating with him were Xaghra Archpriest Mgr Carmelo Refalo and fifteen members of the Collegiate Chapter and Clergy of the Parish. The Choir Voci Angeliche animated the singing. After Mass, mgr Sultana was presented with a gift by the Altar Boys, a framed photo of the Bambina, Our Lady. The Archpriest then presented Mgr Sultana with the framed Papal Apostolic Blessing on Mgr Sultana on the occasion of his Golden Jubilee of Priesthood. before returning to the Sacristy all Mass celebrants followed by the faithful stood in front of the Image of the Bambina reciting prayers. Later, on the Church parvis, Archpriest Emeritus cut the anniversary cake and champagne flowed.

DSC_0126 Praying in front of the Titular image of Our Lady
DSC_0133 Anniversary Cake
DSC_0134 Cutting the Cake
DSC_0138 Anniversary Cake
DSC_0141 Archpriest and Archpriest Emeritus toasting

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