Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2015 » LENT, HOLY WEEK, EASTER 2015 » 31 MAR 2015 - STATUES AND BANNERS

021 I Thirst
022 Everything is Consumed
023 Father, in Thy Hands I commend Myself
024 Jesus dead on the Cross
026 Mary Magdalene at the foot of the Cross
027 Jesus in the tomb
028 The Sorrowing Mother
030 House of Judgement
031 At Vocational Centre
032 Mejda tal-Appostli - Last Supper Table at Vocational Centre
033 Model of a Church bought by Archpriest Emeritus Mgr E Sultana in 1973
035 Model of Church at Vocational Centre
036 Model of Church at Vocational Centre
037 Model of Church at Vocational Centre
038 Model of Church at Vocational Centre
040 Model of Church at Vocational Centre
041 Statue for Children's Procession on Palm Sunday

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