Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2016 » Holy Week and Easter » 20 MAR 2016 - PASSION STATUES AND BANNERS

DSC_0156 'House of Judgement'
DSC_0157 'The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ'
DSC_0158 'This Is The Wood Of The Cross'
DSC_0159 Cross with emblems of the Passion
DSC_0160 Jesus betrayed by Judas
DSC_0161 'An Angel consoling Him'
DSC_0162 In the Garden of Gethsemani
DSC_0163 The Scourging
DSC_0164 'Behold the Man'
DSC_0165 Ecce Homo - Jesus crowned with thorns
DSC_0167 The Redeemer - Jesus carrying the Cross.
DSC_0169 Jesus and His Mother Mary meet
DSC_0170 The Veronica
DSC_0171 Jesus crucified
DSC_0360 'Father forgive them as they know not what they are doing
DSC_0361 'Today you will be with me in Heaven'
DSC_0362 'Woman behold your Son, behold your Mother'
DSC_0363 'My God My God why have You forsaken me'
DSC_0364 'I am thirsty'
DSC_0365 'Everything is finished'

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