Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2016 » Holy Week and Easter » 24 MAR 2016 - EXHIBITIONS AT VOCATIONAL CENTRE

During Easter time, more than other times of the year, the Vocational Centre in Xaghra is a hive of activity. Following the successful presentation of the procession pageant of the Passion on Palm Sunday in Victory Square, they put up an exhibition on their premises behind the Church. On entering the Centre, in the middle of the hallone can go round scenes and statuettes from episodes of the Passion of Jesus. It starts with the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem followed by the scenes of the Last Supper, Jesus before Pontius Pilot being sentenced to death, the scourging, carrying the Cross up the Golgotha and the Veronica wiping His face, the Crucifixion and the triumphal Resurrection from the dead. Hanging to the walls then there are similar episodes but in silhouette on a red light background. Two statues, Jesus in Gethsemani and the scourging are also on show. These are one metre high statues in papier mache, the work of the late Anthony Apap. These are the first of a set of statues of the same size and a replica of the life size ones which are taken out in procession on Good Friday. Finally, for about six minutes, the visitor can follow a re-enactment of the Last Supper, Il-Mejda tal-Appostli. The youngsters are to be commended for their efforts and visiting the exhibition these days is a must.

DSC_0169 Hand Woven Woollen Carpet
DSC_0170 Image at entrance to exhibition
DSC_0171 One metere high Statue - work of late Ninu Apap
DSC_0172 One metere high Statue - work of late Ninu Apap
DSC_0187 Presentation of the Passion
DSC_0188 Triumphal entry into Jerusalem
DSC_0189 The Last Supper

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