Xaghra Parish » Gallery » 2016 » Holy Week and Easter » 26 MAR 2016 - pm EASTER SATURDAY VIGIL

DSC_0028 Chanting the Exsultet - Easter Proclamation
DSC_0032 Chanting the Exsultet - Easter Proclamation
DSC_0033 Lit candles break the darkness of the Nave
DSC_0039 First Reading - Genesis 1
DSC_0040 First Reading - Genesis 1
DSC_0041 Singing the first Psalm
DSC_0042 Second Reading Genesis 22
DSC_0043 Second Reading Genesis 22
DSC_0044 Animator
DSC_0045 Singing the Psalm
DSC_0046 Third Reading Exodus 14
DSC_0047 Third Reading Exodus 14
DSC_0048 Singing the third Psalm
DSC_0049 Fourth Reading Isaiah 54
DSC_0050 Singing the fourth Psalm
DSC_0051 Fifth Reading Isaiah 55

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